Terms & Conditions

Once the assessment level and date is agreed between Spikey Profile Ltd and the client the following terms and conditions will apply.


Within one month of the agreed date – 100% of payment refunded if the 360 document has not been activated.

Within two weeks of the agreed date – 50% of payment refunded if the 360 document has not been activated.

Within one week of the agreed date – no refund.


If postponement is necessary we will reschedule with the proviso that a new date is set within a six month period from the agreed date of assessment.


If a candidate is referred for up to 3 competencies a revisit fee will be charged. The cost will be dependant on which competencies are referred.

If a candidate is referred for more than 3 competencies a full reassessment will be required. The cost will be as detailed above.

Commitment Form

Each client wishing to engage in the AMA will be required to sign a commitment form agreeing to: the level of assessment required, the number of assessments required and the dates of assessment.

Registration Fee

Each client will be required to pay the IMI registration fee in addition to the assessor fee.

Tri-part Information

Each client will be required to agree prior to the assessment, the arrangements for tri-part sharing of information with the employer.

Absent employees

If the employee fails to attend work on the day of the assessment this will be treated as a ‘cancellation within one week’ as detailed above


The client may substitute one employee for another if the 360 has not been activated for the original employee.

If the 360 has been activated for the original employee, the substitution could still take place if there is a minimum of two weeks notice prior to the agreed assessment date.  This time frame will enable the 360 to be activated for the substitute.  The client will be required to pay for both 360 reports.


We recognise the need to develop good relationships and understand that occasionally events occur outside of the client’s control, therefore in the case of cancellations and postponements we promise to look at every case individually.